NOVEMBER 30 2019

London calling….. I couldn’t sleep last night, got up at 6am and took a photo of the dawn light in my garden. It reminded me of a graveyard or something out of Edgar Allen Poe, I was expecting an ethereal figure to be waiting for me. By 9am it had burned off and turned into a sunny albeit cold winters day. Thought I’d go to London, I started in Victoria looked at the record fair and got a mint copy of the Who’s Tommy . Why I need another copy of Tommy when I have six, I have no idea, it was one of those moments where I had to have it. A few things I took photos of that I liked, the A380 in a clear blue sky - St Pauls with the William Blake artwork and the Shard at 5pm. I took the train home from London Bridge which was still blocked off with a large police presence still it felt safe.

Tomorrow off to Bangkok then on to Japan for Kiss.
