MAY 17 3016

Iggy Pop's Post Depression last Friday back at the Albert Hall. Was good to see Josh Homme. It was HELL to photograph with Iggy inviting the crowd down to the stage. Everyone in the venue was fucked up-shitfaced drunk.Nothing worse than drunk middle aged men. They did have a good dressing room party after, drinks with cheese and sushi.

Saturday I went wandering around London beautiful day, sunny warm you can't better London when its like this. I ended up in FOB getting the restored film RAN on Blu-ray.

Yesterday I as in deepest Kent by Leeds Castle where Iggy and Josh were filming Later With Jools, plus it was Josh Homme's birthday the second one I'd spent with him ( The time before was at the Roundhouse ). So I drive to Kent sixty miles one way from me and to my horror realise I'd left my cameras at home. I took it quite well I just blamed Kazuyo who works for me. I eventually got them just as I had to shoot-did a quick shoot then was home in time to watch them on BBC2 playing Lust For Life.