DECEMBER 15 2022

Heaven, Hell or Las Vegas, ZZ Top they were so good - kind of like a Christmas treat. The best song for me was 'Brown Sugar’ from the very first album although I seemed to be the only person in the venue that knew it. People just wanted ‘Legs’ a song if I never ever heard again I’d be more than happy. I could have also done without the dancers on ‘Viva Las Vegas’ but it is Las Vegas - As Don Fox says on Fandango ‘You want your ZZ Top, you got your ZZ Top’….Before the show myself, Billy Gibbons, Elwood and Mick Fleetwood all climbed into a van and drove to the front of the Venetian Hotel and walked through the lobby up to the mezzanine for the John Douglas Art Show - Aerosmith drummer and Artist - John Douglas  painted Frank Beards drum kits and before Aerosmith was Van Halen and ZZ Tops drum tech. Brad Whitford was there as was Eric Singer and Buck Johnson. As soon as Billy and Mick walked in, it got out of hand people where dumbfounded and goggle eyed . I did some photos and we got out back to the show - it’s odd people don’t want autographs just selfie’s with people they don’t even know. I mean look, I do it more just for this to illustrate what is happening but only with people I know.